Tuesday 8 January 2013

Indian Peacock (AKA Peafowl)

When it comes to beautiful, and colourfully vibrant animals nothing can even remotely compare to the Indian peacock. The Indian pea cock is known for its train, which when extended opens to show a semi circle of its colourful feathers, adult males train consist of feathers which are green and blue. The adult females train consists of feathers which are dull green, brown and grey, whereas a child peacocks train is dull green, and yellow. The India peacock is most commonly found in south Asia, and as the name suggests it is the official national bird of India, as it is intrinsic to the Indian province of Punjab.

The peacock is an omnivorous bird, however it mostly feeds on plants, flower petals, small insects and reptiles. The peacock is a sacred bird in Hindu culture, it is well known as the loyal bird of Lord Karthikeya ( The God of War) and son of Shiva, referenced to in the “Mahabharata”.

Train Closed
(image source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Indian_Peacock_I3_IMG_9656.jpg) 

Train Opened
(image source: http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/shawnhempel/shawnhempel1006/shawnhempel100600025/7136089-beautiful-indian-peacock-with-fully-fanned-tail.jpg)


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