Friday 11 January 2013


Chimpanzees are mammals like humans.
And whats most fascinating about that is that they share a common ancestor with humans and have very similar features of humans. By analysing the hands and feet of a chimpanzee you can tell there are many similarities between humans and chimpanzees.
They also share about 98% of human genetic material which is the closest an animal is in relation to humans. Chimpanzees usually group themselves together of about a dozen or so, and are usually found in the African rainforest, woodlands and grasslands. From studying chimpanzees, they usually consume fruit and plants, but they can also consume eggs and insects.

(image source:

Things that interest me about chimpanzees are their methods of catching insects. They tend to use sticks to pick out insects from hole in trees or from holes in the ground. Chimpanzees can walk on their bare knuckles by clenching them into a fist and supporting themselves by pressing them into the ground. They are very athletic and are lot more agile than most other mammals. Chimpanzees have amazing upper body strength which allows them to swing from tree to tree.
Chimpanzees are also quite intelligent as they have the ability to memorise locations and patterns of numbers they have been previously shown.


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